Tuesday, December 9, 2008

12/8/08 pretty darn rockin'

started off with some 80s hardcore, played some metal, ended with some neat black metal! Pretty excellent show~

united mutation-sons of sonoco
bl'ast-your eyes
DYS-more than fashion
attitude adjustment-american paranoia
DRI-God is broke
cryptic slaughter-rage to kill
mx machine-wild balls
coliseum-in time
bluetip-texas 10 west
black flag-my war (live)
bikini kill-lil' red
bad brains-fearless vampire killer
articles of faith-bad attitude
gism-shoot to kill
venom-to hell and back
forbidden evil-march into fire
morally bankrupt-malinger with the devil
harvey milk-death goes to the winner
sisters of mercy-marian (request)
fucking champs- nebula ball rests in a fantasy claw
fu manchu-over the edge
the accused-i'd love to change the world
3 inches of blood-trial of champions
sodom-remember the fallen
amesoeurs-bonheur ampute
krallice-time husk
blut aus nord-sons of wisdom, master of elements
wolves in the throneroom-queen of the borrowed light



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